
High performance and distributed KV store w/ REST API. 🦀

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Lucid KV

About Lucid KV

High performance and distributed KV store w/ REST API. 🦀


Lucid is an high performance, secure and distributed key-value store accessible through an HTTP API, that is built arround a modulable configuration to enable features on the fly, like persistence, encryption SSE, compression, replication, and more.

Read the complete Medium article →

Getting Started

Get the latest binary from the releases page and run these commands:

$ ./lucid init
$ ./lucid server

Docker Deployment

Or run a node with Docker, but you need to create a lucid.yml file locally before.

$ docker pull lucidkv/lucid
$ docker run -p 7020:7020 -v lucid.yml:/etc/lucid/lucid.yml lucidkv/lucid

A demonstration node is accessible at http://demo.lucid-kv.store or deploy your own:


You can start quickly here or get the complete documentation at https://docs.lucid-kv.store.

Works in Progress

You can take a look at the roadmap here, we are working on the implementation of persistence and encryption.

Command Line Interface

You can take a look at the Lucid command line on at https://asciinema.org/a/277538.

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A Fast, Secure and Distributed KV store with an HTTP API.
Written in Rust, Fork us on GitHub (https://github.com/lucid-kv)

    -h, --help         Prints help information
        --no-banner    Disable showing the banner on start
    -V, --version      Prints version information

    -c, --config <config>    Specify the Lucid configuration file

    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init        Initialize Lucid and generate configuration file
    server      Run a new Lucid server instance
    settings    Manage the Lucid configuration file

Web Interface (UI)

Lucid wants to propose a Web UI to manage data, issue tokens, organize nodes and configure instances.

Development Credits

Lucid is developed by @clintnetwork, @Slals, @CephalonRho, @rigwild and published under the MIT License.

Name / Nickname Email Role
Clint Mourlevat me@clint.network Lucid Founder
Jonathan Serra jonathan@blocs.fr Core Development
CephalonRho CephalonRho@gmail.com Core Development
Rigwild me@rigwild.dev Web UI Development

Contribute to Lucid

See CONTRIBUTING.md for best practices and instructions on setting up your development environment to work on Lucid.