Multi tenant SaaS starter kit with cqrs graphql microservice architecture, apollo federation, event source and authentication
- 12dollar
- bgaleotti
- bouyagasNew York
- commodus
- Daners
- danieljfgoncalves@HapibotStudio
- deresegetachewFreelancer
- doorkey
- eduscrakozabrus
- edwinpgmTrujillo, Peru
- eliorcohenLivePerson Inc
- evandroabreuMobix Software Studio
- gaurav-
- hasonSurvio, @webuni
- huukhai
- iamonuwa@phylaxsystems
- jaizquierdogalanMadrid
- jhcloos
- kohehirGreenwich, CT
- lamquangphucHồ Chí Minh
- LMapundu
- lohbrand
- martinebohScarlet Energies / Scarlet Oil & Gas Limited
- moataSouq.com
- nubaRio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America
- okazdalSekuritim Bilisim @sekuritim
- peteking@NationalGrid
- pranaysonisoft
- rkgudboy@TheMangoJelly @fossasia
- sahilbabuEGooty
- santoshshinde2012Syngenta
- sergioMendozaHouston
- suadikKongsbergdigital
- vietkute02Thudo jsc
- vuongthai91Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
- Wemago