Check Your Privilege!

This is a Service that allows you to check your privilege once a day.


  1. Pull this repo in some director (I recommend /var/www/checkyourprivilege).
  2. Execute pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Apply migrations python migrate (maybe you need to do more IDK)
  4. Create a superuser python createsuperuser (you don't need to, but maybe you should...)
  5. Change AllowedHosts, SecretKey and Debug in Maybe even more - you also might want to think about running a proper Database and switch off sqlite3.
  6. Copy checkyourprivilege.service into your systemd directory.
  7. Enable it with systemctl enable checkyourprivilege.service (ensure the proper directories and user permissions!)
  8. Check your Privilege! (once a day)