Bugger Game/Arcade game This game is similar game of the classic "frogger" game. Like Frogger, you move your character across traffic, avoiding the icky bugs, to get to the safe zone (water at the top of the page).
There are 3 areas of this game world:
At the top, the water In the middle, the path At the bottom, the grass The player begins with 3 lives
In this game you have a Player and Enemies (Bugs). The goal of the player is to reach the water, without touching into any one of the enemies. The player can move left, right, up and down with the keyboard arrows. The enemies move in varying speeds Once a the player touches the enemy, the game is reset and the player moves back to the starting point. Once the player reaches the water three times the game is won. The player has 3 lives. Every time he collides with an enemy a life is lost.
When all lives are lost the game ends with a dialog showing the score.