
A basic crawler, written using nodejs, cheerio and axios which checks a particular website and sends a mail if there is any update to the state of the website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Crawl Updates

A basic crawler, written using nodejs, cheerio and axios which checks a particular website and sends a mail if there is any update to the state of the website. The previous state of the website is stored using node-persist.


I used to run this crawler every 6 hours with the help of windows scheduler on windows and subsequently crontab on MacOS but the frequency can be set to what you like.

About the Usage and functionality

This is just a concept that I programmed for a particular website so it will not work with any random website url. Before using it on a different website one would have to either again set it up to read the data of the website and transfer it into a js datastructure for a specific purpose or just compare the html of the page. In that case however the update mail functionality would be slightly useful though still convinient.