
repo used to teach docker

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Basics

Repo used to teach docker Basics

Outcomes 101

  • Docker history and why docker
  • Docker pull nodejs container
  • create your own container
  • explore container provenance
  • create web app
  • docker filesystem explore

Outcomes 201

  • quick Refresher
  • push your container to docker hub
  • Docker pull each others containers
  • create container that needs a database
    • get mongo or mysql, redis
    • hook up your app
  • docker-compose to co-ordinate multiple containers
  • Push to GCR or ECR


  • Created a wrapper around Namespaces w/ a lovely api
  • Documented everything
  • Added a pacakge repository
  • added a layered filesystem
  • added networking magic - otherwise you had to be an iptables and linux networking wizzard
  • container build mechanic
  • cgroups - to put limits on ram and CPU and stuff

Benefits of containers

  • much smaller RAM usage - no operating system overhead per container
  • Startup time is measured in ms and seconds, VMs in minutes
  • CPU and Memory overhead is negligable, VMs can chomp 30% of compute resource

Container commands

# show running containers
docker ps

# run an nginx container attached to port 80
docker run \
    -p 8080:80 \

# kill a running container
docker kill <container_id>

# deep info on a container
docker inspect <container_id>

# build a container image
docker build \
    -t <image_name> \