
Raspberry pi based Switch with LCD used to record when doggy has been fed

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Akaal Kaur - Doggy been Fed Switch

Raspberry Pi based switch with LCD used to record and display when our beloved doggy woggy has been fed so she can't dupe us and get fed twice - the dastardly dog.

Press the button to register when she's been fed:

  • Displays date last fed on LCD display
  • Ping IFTTT for mobile notifications etc
  • Flashes LED

Hardware required

  • Raspberry Pi B+,Zero, 3, 4 or any internet enabled Pi
  • An I2C enabled LCD/OLED like this one
  • Breadboard/circuit board with wires/solder to hole the whole thing together
  • Flashing Light - LED with 330Ohm resistor
  • Physical push switch

Wiring Diagram

  • LCD i2C SDL - Board Pin 3
  • LCD i2C SCL - Board Pin 5
  • Switch PullUp - Board Pin 36


To Deploy

  • Ensure you've copied .env.template to .env and populated the environment variables required.

  • Copy provision-pi.sh and your populated .env to a new Raspbian Buster /boot partition

  • Once Pi has finished booting for the first time and you've configured:

    • network(WiFi)
    • ssh auth & security
    • kernel support for the i2c module use raspi-config
  • Run provision-pi.sh as root:

    sudo su -
    bash provision-pi.sh

    This will: - Install all deps - checkout code to /opt/akaal-switch - setup updates, reboots etc... - setup code to run as daemon (using systemd)

  • Remember to populate and copy .env to /opt/akaal-switch if you have not already done so

  • Wire up RasPi as per diagram

  • Reboot and Test!


  • test lcd screen wireup using i2cdetect -y 1
  • print message to LCD screen
  • [x] led flash sequence simplified and just used pull up switch power
  • wire up button
  • [ ] add speech/woof sound (need DAC, onboard sound is noisy)
  • take photo of dev board
  • send IFTTT notification to write to gsheet and send mobile notifications
  • start script at boot
  • draw wiring diagram (fritzing)
  • pull latest script from github at boot
  • re-install raspbian lite and redeploy w/ provision script
  • ensure pi has autoupdates on
  • deploy prototype MVP
    • test
    • take photo of prototype
    • solder things up
  • deploy prod
    • test
    • take photo of final setup
  • Play woof sound



Dev Board: in dev

Prototype MVP setup in the field prototype mvp


ssh to pi

ssh pi@

auto copy code to pi

inotify scp -r app/ pi@

debugging on pi, evaluate .env file and load into session

eval $(egrep -v '^#' .env | xargs) python3 app/run.py
