
K8s manifests for the Grott Growatt hybrid solar inverter proxy

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K8s manifests for the Grott Growatt proxy

Kubernetest manifests for the Grott proxy for the Growatt solar panel inverters by johnmeijer

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│          Solar Panels                      │
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         │     Growatt Inverter│                                                                  │    Growatt servers     │
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                     │                              │     grott running on k8s│                                 │
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Generate your own Grott.ini

grott.ini contains various things you might want to keep secret. I've embedded my own in here but used mozilla sops to keep it secret.

# decrypting
sops --decrypt deploy/kubernetes/base/grott-configmap.enc.yaml --output > deploy/kubernetes/base/grott-configmap.yaml

## encrypting
sops --encrypt deploy/kubernetes/base/grott-configmap.yaml > deploy/kubernetes/base/grott-configmap.enc.yaml

To generate your own configmap.yaml from your own grott.ini then simply run this command:

kubectl create configmap grott-ini --from-file=grott.ini --output="yaml" --dry-run=client >deploy/kubernetes/base/grott-configmap.yaml

Building and deploying

# testing in kind
kind create cluster

    kubectl kustomize "deploy/kubernetes/${ENVIRONMENT}" | \
    kubectl apply -f -)

kind delete cluster
# deploy application stack
    kubectl kustomize "deploy/kubernetes/${ENVIRONMENT}" | \
    kubectl apply -f -)