A sample load testing setup for k8s hosted services leveraging Github CI actions.
- Using
inside of a Gitlab CI runner - Surfacing CI step results into a PR
- The version of
published on Docker hub is way behind the version in the Github repo. The code in the repo allows for the setting of theECHO_TEXT
env var and not the Docker hub mandatory-text
option - Struggled with Nginx admission webhook for kind, apparently it's an issue with the tolerations of the Nginx config for the latest versions of kind - had to write a manifest patch for Nginx ingress to get around issue
Architectural Decision Records are stored in doc/adr
and we're using adr-tools to help generate them.
We use ADRs as an immutable, collaborative document to record our technical decision making.
Developed on a Linux x86/64
Tested working with:
- kind
- kubectl
and utilizingkustomize
for k8s manifest templates - Vegeta
for simple load testing
- Bash - shellcheck
# create kind cluster, it should automatically switch your kubectl context over
# additional cluster config required to get nginx ingress working
# @see https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/ingress/
# @see https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/8605
# ~1m29s
cat <<EOF | kind create --name kind-ci-load-testing cluster --config=-
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 443
protocol: TCP
- role: worker
- role: worker
# test cluster
kubectl get nodes
# deploy nginx ingress component (kind specific)
# requires patch to add toleration to get working
# @see https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/8605
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml --output /tmp/ingress-nginx-deploy.yaml
patch -u /tmp/ingress-nginx-deploy.yaml -i nginx-ingress-toleration.patch
kubectl apply -f /tmp/ingress-nginx-deploy.yaml
# wait till ingress is ready
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \
--selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=controller \
# deploy application stack
kubectl kustomize "deploy/kubernetes/${ENVIRONMENT}" | \
kubectl apply -f -)
# wait till appplication deploys
kubectl wait --namespace k8s-kind-load-testing \
--for=condition=ready pod \
--selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=app-one \
# check on the deployment
kubectl -n k8s-kind-load-testing get all
# test service one with port-forwarding into the svc
kubectl -n k8s-kind-load-testing \
port-forward svc/service-app-one 8080:5678
curl localhost:8080
# test service two svc
kubectl -n k8s-kind-load-testing \
port-forward svc/service-app-two 8081:5679
curl localhost:8081
# test ingress, setup local dns overrides first
echo "
# k8s kind load testing foo.localhost bar.localhost
" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
curl -i http://foo.localhost
curl -i http://bar.localhost
# blow away cluster
kind delete cluster --name kind-ci-load-testing
- setup ADR directory
- setup application stack in k8s
- setup Kustomize templates
- create namespace
- create deployment for http-echo
- setup service
- test
- replicate for second service (
) - setup ingress to route between two deployments (
- generate load
- hammer with vegeta - simple (
- hammer with vegeta - simple (
- write Github actions setup to run all this in Github CI (
) - get Vegeta output into PR (
- split CI into separate jobs for more modularity and better readability
- Setup some observability
- deploy prom+grafana into cluster
- surface container stats using
- implement nginx sidecar to surface Prometheus telemetry
- surface some APM (application runtime telemetry)
- surface cluster metrics: cpu/ram/network/disk
- surface telemetry into PRs
- Generate some nice gnuplots of load testing histograms
- Write a more advanced load testing setup in k3s
- Use Helm over Kustomize