
Teaching Kubernetes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Teaching Kubernetes 101 and 201 courses for various teams

  • 2019-10-18 - BrumJs


  • GCP cloud login
  • GCP cli tools
  • Docker
  • a good text editor (VS code, Atom)
  • Docker hub account
  • a proper machine or somebody with a proper machine
  • git

Docker Application Steps

1. Create a web application in either Go or Node

examples in `server/' directory

2. Publish Container to public Docker Hub

Kubernetes Steps

  • Create a pod manifest

    • Deploy pod
    • inspect pod, describe pod
    • Port forward into pod
    • check pod logs
    • delete pod
    • re-deploy pod
    • create namespace
    • put pod into namespace
    • delete your old pod
  • How does Kuberentes work ?

    • Deploy kubelet https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.0.3/bin/linux/amd64/kubelet
    • point kubelet to a directory ./kubelet --config=${PWD}/manifests
    • docker ps
    • Check kubelet info curl localhost://10255/healthz, curl localhost://10255/spec
    • tear down
  • Create a replica-set and deployment

    • Deploy
    • Port-forward into pod
    • Tweak environment variables
    • Inject in vars via configmap
    • Scale up, scale down
    • Try different deployment types
    • change code and re-deploy
    • revert a deploy
  • Create a service manifest

    • Deploy internal service
    • deploy external layer 4 service
  • Create a GKE ingress controller

    • Deploy and test
    • Configure multiple routes to multiple services
  • Extras

    • Create a cluster in AWS
    • cordon, drain and delete a node
    • look at helm


Useful Commands

# mount volumes
docker run -it \
-v ${PWD}/app:/app \

# env vars
docker run -it \
-e NODE_ENV=production \

# To fire up an interactive pod into namespace
kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" run shell --rm -it --tty --image ubuntu -- bash

# scale a deployment
kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" scale --replicas=8 deployment potato-deployment

# roll back
kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" rollout undo deployment/potato-deployment

# all the things
kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get all