=== list speakers === Contributors: yabo-concpet Tags: topquark, the-conference-plugin Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.3 REQUIRES A WORKING INSTALLATION OF TOPQUARK & CONFERENCE PLUGIN if you don't know what that is, start here: http://topquark.com/extend/plugins/the-conference-plugin/ == Description == List Speakers/Artists from the conference plugin in a widget This plugin was developped by yabo-concept for a client, then shared to serve as example or squeletton plugin for anyone wishing to extend the conference plugin. No guarantee or support will be provided at any time by Yabo-concept ==Installation== * Upload list-speakers directory into you wp-content/plugins/ directory. * Login to your WordPress Admin menu, go to Plugins, and activate it. * You can find the List speakers widget in the Appearence > Widgets section on your WordPress Dashboard. * If you want to customize the way the plugin displays the information, check the section on "options" on this documentation. ==Usage and options== ** title = title displayed for the widget ** Speaker page: This should be a URL to a page that includes the shortcode [the_conference_lineup year="my year"] with the addition of ?artist= (or &artist=) as the speaker id will get filled in below ** Year: Year of the festival to load the speakers/artists from ** Show description: show the short description of the artist/speaker ==The slider== a minimal self hosted solution is included to the page header see http://bxslider.com for presentation and options ==Styling== see included CSS for example