
Discord bot written in python using Discord.py, many features including a spendable idle currency

Primary LanguagePython


 /$$       /$$   /$$     /$$       v0.1        /$$    
| $$      |__/  | $$    | $$                  | $$    
| $$$$$$$  /$$ /$$$$$$  | $$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$  
| $$__  $$| $$|_  $$_/  | $$__  $$ /$$__  $$|_  $$_/  
| $$  \ $$| $$  | $$    | $$  \ $$| $$  \ $$  | $$    
| $$  | $$| $$  | $$ /$$| $$  | $$| $$  | $$  | $$ /$$
| $$$$$$$/| $$  |  $$$$/| $$$$$$$/|  $$$$$$/  |  $$$$/
|_______/ |__/   \___/  |_______/  \______/    \___/  By: Juju                                                  


Discord bot made with discord.py, used to help facilitate interactions on a discord server. Many fun features + an Idle currency called Bits denoted by the Gem emoji.


  • Emoji racing - Participants wager values on a random race given an emoji eselection.
  • Bits currency used as an idle xp currency - Awarded when online in a given discord.
  • Gambling using the Bits currency.
  • Special commands for Bits.
  • Gets Coinbase Bitcoin price
  • Current XKCD
  • Quote of the Day
  • Top trending Giphy
  • Random Bing image given keyword
  • 8ball, Coin flip
  • Image embeder
  • Pokemon Go IV calculator
  • Wow Auction House scraper - Looks for Items removed from game

Built With


Generate an api key for Discord, Bing, Giphy, Wow Battle net key. Generate token files: bing.token, cert.token, giphy.token, wow.token

Format of token: filename: name.token

filecontent = {"token":"tokenvalue"}




This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Thanks to anyone who's examples were used
  • Inspiration
  • water