This is a third year Vaasa Univercity of Applied Science optional project from course IITS2106-3004 Real Time Operating Systems. The purpose was to study uC/OS-III on STM32F429I-Discovery MCU breakboard. Original author was Gao Boli who graduated and left the project. Lecturer Jukka Matila forked the project 3 years ago. And I (Siyuan Xu) was authorized to maintain the project on 12.2022. The objectives are:
- Update the repository up to date for Build and Upload
- Optimize the code for better performace
- Create a snake game (just for fun, not a promise)
- Integrate all apps together (just for fun, not a promise)
- Collect all apps into one project
- Create a simple GUI menu for different APPs
Siyuan Xu, e2101066 Vaasa, 2022
That instruction doesn't work anymore. Perhaps because it was made more than three years ago, there are changes in PlatformIO.
git clone Or download the code as zip
You should open the directory under UCOSIII-DISCO-F429ZI, NOT the UCOSIII-DISCO-F429ZI itself. For example open UCOSIII-DISCO-F429ZI/Tic-Tac-Toe
platform = ststm32
board = disco_f429zi
board_build.stm32cube.variant = STM32F429I-Discovery # Manually adding the driver library directory
framework = stm32cube
lib_ldf_mode = deep+
monitor_speed = 115200
C:\Users\USERNAME\.platformio\packages\framework-stm32cubef4\Drivers\BSP\STM32F429I-Discovery\stm32f429i_discovery_lcd.c Comment out all the includes below
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font24.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font20.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font16.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font12.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font8.c"
Click the Alien icon on the left panel of VS-code, under disco_f429zi/General/ you can find tools such as Build, Upload, Monitor...
Don't forgot to connect your stm32 board