µC/OS-III STM32F4 Port

This is a third year Vaasa Univercity of Applied Science optional project from course IITS2106-3004 Real Time Operating Systems. The purpose was to study uC/OS-III on STM32F429I-Discovery MCU breakboard. Original author was Gao Boli who graduated and left the project. Lecturer Jukka Matila forked the project 3 years ago. And I (Siyuan Xu) was authorized to maintain the project on 12.2022. The objectives are:

  1. Update the repository up to date for Build and Upload
  2. Optimize the code for better performace
  3. Create a snake game (just for fun, not a promise)
  4. Integrate all apps together (just for fun, not a promise)
    • Collect all apps into one project
    • Create a simple GUI menu for different APPs

Siyuan Xu, e2101066 Vaasa, 2022

Instruction for programming stm32F429I-Discovery with PlatformIO

Step 0 - Non't follow the Instruction "ucos_boli_stm32_instruction.docx"!

That instruction doesn't work anymore. Perhaps because it was made more than three years ago, there are changes in PlatformIO.

Step 1 - Install the tool-chain

Install VS-Code and C/C++ Extension Pack, platformio extentions


Install STM32CubeIDE


Install ST-LINK009


Step 2 - clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/jukkamatila/uCOSIII-DISCO-F429ZI.git Or download the code as zip

Step 3 - Open the target directory with VS-code

You should open the directory under UCOSIII-DISCO-F429ZI, NOT the UCOSIII-DISCO-F429ZI itself. For example open UCOSIII-DISCO-F429ZI/Tic-Tac-Toe

Step 4 - Modify the platformio.ini file

platform = ststm32
board = disco_f429zi
board_build.stm32cube.variant = STM32F429I-Discovery    # Manually adding the driver library directory
framework = stm32cube

lib_ldf_mode = deep+

monitor_speed = 115200

Step 5 - Modify the library file

C:\Users\USERNAME\.platformio\packages\framework-stm32cubef4\Drivers\BSP\STM32F429I-Discovery\stm32f429i_discovery_lcd.c Comment out all the includes below

//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font24.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font20.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font16.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font12.c"
//#include "../../../Utilities/Fonts/font8.c"

Step 6 - Build and Upload

Click the Alien icon on the left panel of VS-code, under disco_f429zi/General/ you can find tools such as Build, Upload, Monitor...

- Build first

- Upload

Don't forgot to connect your stm32 board

Now go nuts and explor yourself!
