
Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT


This role enables to innstall docker-ce on a system.


No requirements.

Role Variables

Name Type Location Description
docker_ce_version string defaults/main.yml The version of Docker to install. Defaults to 20.10.6.
docker_ce_centos_yum_repository_url string defaults/main.yml The base URL of Docker yum repository. Defaults to https://download.docker.com/linux/centos.
docker_ce_sysctl_enable_ip_forwarding boolean defaults/main.yml A flag to enable IP Forwarding in sysctl. Defaults to yes.
docker_ce_daemon_settings string defaults/main.yml The Docker daemon options which will be written to /etc/docker/daemon.json. See below for default configuration.
docker_compose_releases_url string defaults/main.yml The base URL to download Docker Compose. Defaults to https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download.
docker_compose_version string defaults/main.yml The version of Docker-Compose to install. Defaults to 1.29.2.
docker_compose_arch string defaults/main.yml The architecture of Docker-Compose to install. Defaults to Linux-x86_64.
docker_compose_executable_sha256_checksum string defaults/main.yml The expected checksum of the docker-compose executable downloaded from the website.
docker_compose_executable string vars/main.yml The local path where to install docker-compose executable. Defaults to /usr/local/sbin/docker-compose.

By default, the /etc/docker/daemon.json will be configured as-is:

  "debug": false,
  "log-level": "info",
  "exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"]

Configure docker_ce_daemon_settings to add more configuration.


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: julb.docker_ce }



Author Information

More to find on my Github.


This project is totally open source and contributors are welcome.

When you submit a PR, please ensure that the syntax has been checked.