A bash script that easily changes the username of your user on Crostini.
This script has only been tested on Crostini containers running Debian and Arch. So if you are running on a different distro, and this does not work, please make an issue and we can try to make this compatible with your distro :) --crue-ton
How do I run this?
- You need to enter Crosh doing
Ctrl + Alt + T
while one google chrome. - Enter a terminal session by running:
vmc start termina
- Then login to the pengiun containter as root:
lxc exec penguin -- bash
- Clone this repo, then go into it.
git clone
cd crostini_userchange
- Then Run:
# MAKE SURE YOU RUN 'bash' and NOT 'sh', as it WILL NOT WORK!
- Follow the steps, and then shutdown ASAP, you should get a question asking if you want to shutdown.
- If you don't want to shutdown as soon as it is down (for some reason) run this when you want to shutdown:
shutdown -h now