
Spotify API driven react app that allows you to search for Spotify artists

Primary LanguageJavaScript


you can find it deployed on github pages Spotifynder


Spotify API driven react app that allows you to search for Spotify artists

Project Status

This project is currently in development. Users can search for Spotify artists and see their albums.

Spotifyndr prototype (using Sketch)

Landing Home/Search
Landing Home/Search

This design was planned before on paper, then moved to Sketch app for the fine details. Note that i didn't use any styling library or theme, all from scratch and using pure css modules

Artists results Artist's Albums
Artists results Artist's Albums

Installation and Setup Instructions

Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.

Installation: npm install

To Start Server: npm start

To Visit App: localhost:3000


This was a 48 hours challenge project (from Design to Dev) built during a quarantine weekend. Project goals included using react core concepts learned up until this point and familiarizing myself with documentation for new features.

At the end of the day, the technologies implemented in this project are React, React-Router, Redux, Axios and a significant amount of VanillaJS, JSX, and CSS. I chose to use the create-react-app boilerplate to minimize initial setup and invest more time in diving into weird technological rabbit holes.

Future goals for this project

  • Add more search capabilities like searching for music and albums directly
  • Add redux-thunk for async auth in redux
  • Add ability to preview music right from the app