Git Demo Outline

Most of this is based on the Software Carpentry Materials for git -- which I highly reccomend in one of those courses or just following along yourself.

Set up git on your machine

$ git
$ git config --global "Mr. Sir"
$ git config --global ""
$ git config --global core.editor "vim/emacs/nano"

Would highly reccomend setting up your account with SSH keys and Two Factor Authentification, instructions on that here:

Explore a repository you've cloned

$ git clone
$ cd LAO_git_demo
$ git log
$ git status
$ touch dummy_file.txt
$ git status 

Make your own repository

$ cd my_fantastic_project
$ git status 
$ git init
$ git status

Change your repository and record that change

$ touch dummy_file.txt 
$ echo "Some fantastic content in my new project!" >> dummy_file.txt
$ git status
$ git add dummy_file.txt
$ git status
$ git commit -m "No dummies here, only version control MASTERS."
$ git status
$ git log 

Connect your repository to a remote via GitHub

$ # some fiddling on the GitHub side
$ git remote add <link_to_your_new_repo> 
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

Work with a collaborator

$ # invite your collaborator via GitHub
$ git checkout -b new_feature_dom
$ touch smart_file.txt
$ echo "VITAL content for this project!"
$ git add smart_file.txt
$ git commit -m "Important update for this demo!"
$ git push origin new_feature_dom