
C code for generating cubed sphere

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



C code for generating a cubed sphere, see article (http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1996.0047)

C. Ronchia, R. Iaconoa, P.S. Paoluccib, The “Cubed Sphere”: A New Method for the Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Spherical Geometry, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 124, Issue 1, 1 March 1996, Pages 93–114.

It outputs a globe.vtu file that defines the sphere with:

  • vertex coordinate information
  • vertex connectivity
  • boundary vertices
  • partition information (optional if METIS is used to compile code)

The globe.vtu file is viewable in paraview.


The code optionally use the METIS library and development header to create a partition on the mesh. To use first install METIS development libraries, set the appropriate METIS path in the makefile and tweak the c code.


To compile:


To run:

    ./go -l 11 -d 6 -r 10 -i 5


  • l - number of elements across a sixth
  • d - number of elements in depth
  • r - the outer radius
  • i - the inner radius

To clean the output:

    make clean