Welcome! This is a template git repository for creating REPRODUCIBLE Underworld code based projects.

REPRODUCIBLE because this project:

  1. Is stored in a git repository.
  2. Uses a Dockerfile to recreate the exact project environment.

The two features above enable the project to take advantage of software engineering and open source principles, such as: version control, reproducible environments, collaboration (Pull Requests, Binderhub), continuous integration.

(See https://the-turing-way.netlify.com/, for a general introduction to these principle. N.B. it is data-science focussed)

Welcome to Underworld community projects.

You can use this repository as a GitHub template to start a new repository of your own that matches the requirements of the underworld-community. To get started, hit the "Use this template" button above. See this quick start guide for more information.

Please replace this README with information about your own repository.

Metadata Table:

Question Answer
Are there expected result(s) as tests No
Reach the expected result(s) - in serial No
Reach the expected result(s) - in parallel No
Links to testing (CI) system No