
Mini Stratego compiler

Primary LanguageJava

Mini Stratego compiler

This compiler supports a minuscule subset of Stratego:

  • Conditionals a < b + c, id, fail, and all
  • Rules parameterised by strategies: bottomup(s) = all(bottomup(s)); s
  • Term construction and strategy application !Add(<s> Succ(x),y)
  • Pattern matching: Add(Succ(x),y) -> ...

It has the following (mis)features:

  • It compiles each term constructor to a Java class
  • It compiles pattern matching to nested case trees
  • It compiles strategy control flow directly to Java control flow by (ab)using labeled break
  • It (blindly) specializes all strategy arguments (in certain cases this may cause the compiler to loop -- so a realistic compiler would need to detect this and compile those calls differently)
  • It inlines all strategies that are called only once
  • It does some local optimisations
  • It does not have a parser, so you have to write down the AST
  • It does not have error checking, so it's garbage in - garbage out
  • It has been tested on a single example