
Train a classification model and expose it using an API, the model can predict the taken rate of and order depending on the order transactional features.

Primary LanguagePython

Delivery model

The Challenge

Train a classification model and expose it using an API, the model can predict the taken rate of and order depending of the order transactional features. The model should be trained using the attached dataset (orders.csv)

Deployed version


Run the project locally using Docker Compose

Create and initialize the database running:

python db_setup.py

Build image and start container:

docker-compose up --build

Model Documentation

By default the model is fitted with the GaussianNB classifier, but you can change the clf variable in the fit_model.py file and run it again.

Available classifiers:
clf = 'GaussianNB'

API Documentation

NOTE: if you are running it locally the url will be

- GET: stored estimations

Returns all the estimations saved in the database





- POST: make one or multiple estimations

Requests a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary is an order. https://taken-model.herokuapp.com/predict


import requests
import pprint

res = requests.post(
                'order_id': 143648070,
                'store_id': 30000009,
                'to_user_distance': 29.4781006757058885,
                'to_user_elevation': 872.71936035156295,
                'total_earning': 4300,
                'created_at': '2017-12-09T20:02:17Z',
                'order_id': 36780258,
                'store_id': 900014452,
                'to_user_distance': 2.6714317179354317,
                'to_user_elevation': 1.72265625,
                'total_earning': 5400,
                'created_at': '2017-09-07T20:15:19Z',



{'143648070': {'input': {'created_at': '2017-12-09T20:02:17Z',
                         'order_id': 143648070,
                         'store_id': 30000009,
                         'to_user_distance': 29.47810067570589,
                         'to_user_elevation': 872.719360351563,
                         'total_earning': 4300},
               'taken': 1},
 '36780258': {'input': {'created_at': '2017-09-07T20:15:19Z',
                        'order_id': 36780258,
                        'store_id': 900014452,
                        'to_user_distance': 2.6714317179354317,
                        'to_user_elevation': 1.72265625,
                        'total_earning': 5400},
              'taken': 1}}