CLuster And RepAir tool for introductory programming assignments About ===== This is an implementation of the clustering and repair tool for introductory programming assignments, described in the following paper: Requires ======== - C compiler (tested with gcc 4.9.2) - Cython (tested with v0.23.4) $ sudo aptitude install cython (Debian) # dnf install Cython (Fedora) - lpsolve 5.5 (development files and library) $ sudo aptitude install lp-solve liblpsolve55-dev (Debian) # dnf install lpsolve-devel (Fedora) - pip $ sudo aptitude install python-pip (Debian) # dnf install python-pip (Fedora) - pip module pycparser zss $ pip install --user pycparser zss Installation ============ - Run 'make install' in this directory; or - See docker installation below Docker installation =================== 1) Build the image with: 'docker build --rm=true -t clara .' 2) Run the container with: 'docker run -ti -h clara --name clara clara /bin/bash' Running ======= - 'make' from above installs a binary file called 'clara' - Run 'clara help' or see examples below Debian note =========== - On Debian system the following is required before running the tool: 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/lp_solve/' Examples ======== - Matching example: 'clara match examples/ examples/ --entryfnc computeDeriv --args "[[[4.5]], [[1.0,3.0,5.5]]]" --verbose 1' - Repair example: 'clara repair examples/ examples/ --entryfnc computeDeriv --args "[[[4.5]], [[1.0,3.0,5.5]]]" --verbose 1'