Project: Rails depot Scaffold

Let’s create a web-based shopping cart application called Depot. I build the app using book Agile Web Development with Rails 7 by Sam Ruby. It is developed for learning purposes #ruby #rails #rails7 #samruby

App is available here Depot App (deployment by Digital Ocean)

Use Cases

A use case is simply a statement about how some entity uses a system. Depot’s use cases are simple:

  • We start by identifying two roles: the buyer and the seller.
  • The buyer uses Depot to browse the products we have to sell, select some to purchase, and supply the information needed to create an order.
  • The buyer sees a catalog page, from which he selects one product at a time. Each product selected gets added to the cart, and the cart is displayed after each selection. The buyer can continue shopping using the catalog pages or check out and buy the contents of the cart. During checkout, we capture contact and payment details and then display a receipt page.
  • The seller uses Depot to maintain a list of products to sell, to determine the orders awaiting shipment, and to mark orders as shipped.

Page flow


The seller flow

After logging in, the seller sees a menu letting her create or view a product or ship existing orders. When viewing a product, the seller can optionally edit the product information or delete the product entirely.




The database schema

The schema is designed to support a simple e-commerce system where users can add products to their shopping carts, and each product can have multiple line items associated with it, indicating the quantity of the product in each cart.

The db schema consists of three tables: carts, line_items, and products.

Table cart represents shopping carts.

Table products represents products available for purchase.

Table orders consist of customer’s contact information and payment details

line_items - this table represents line items in a shopping cart. It has the following columns:

  • product_id: A foreign key referencing the id column of the products table. Indicates the product associated with the line item.
  • cart_id: A foreign key referencing the id column of the carts table. Indicates the cart to which the line item belongs.
  • quantity: Indicates the quantity of the product in the line item. Defaults to 1.

Table users

What is included

It turns out that a shopping cart will illustrate many of the features of Rails dev.

What is included: create new products, edit existing products, delete unwanted ones, create maintenance pages, link database tables, handle sessions, create forms, system testing, security, and page layout.

  • System dependencies configuration
  • Database initialization, db/test.sqlite3, db/production.sqlite3
  • Functional tests: unit testing of models, controllers
  • Rails Fixtures
  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
  • Deployment by Digital Ocean

How to run an app

Below steps are necessary to get the app up and running locally:

  • clone the repo
  • install all dependencies: tailwind, etc
  • install Rails 7.0.8 rails new depot --css tailwind
  • install ruby 3.1.2 brew install ruby
  • SQLite 3 db is is the default database for Rails and was installed along with Rails
  • run in console rails s and open http://localhost:3000/products

Technical details

  • The app runs with a dev db;
  • created the products table and used the scaffold generator to write an app to maintain it;
  • used a migration to create/modify the schema;
  • created a controller-specific view to show a list of products;
  • added unit tests of model to be ensured that required fields are present in the model;
  • create a store controller to handle customer-centric interactions.
  • Add a call to the order() method within the Store controller to control the order in which the items on the website are listed.
  • Implement a view and a layout to contain it.
  • Use a helper to format prices the way we want.
  • Implement fragment caching for portions of the page
  • Created a Cart object in one request and successfully located the same cart in subsequent requests by using a session object.
  • Providing a flash notice of an error that was detected
  • Creating Hotwired Cart
  • Broadcasting updates with Action Cable for products
  • I added a Stimulus controller that attached to the HTML to make the dynamic changes happen
  • Used Capybara to system-test this functionality.
  • Sending Emails
  • Using Active Job, which is a generic framework for running code in the background.
  • Logging: add users

Sending Emails

Sending email in Rails has three basic parts:

  • configuring how email is to be sent
  • determining when to send the email
  • and specifying what you want to say

Cloud deployment - Docker

For deployment, we’re going to make use of two Docker containers. The web server container will be running a combination of nginx1 and Phusion Passenger.

  • Configuring the db
  • Keeping secrets
  • Building a docker image
  • Deploying the application

Rails commands

**Examine your installation

bin/rails about 
bundle exec rails about


bin/rails db:seed
bin/rails dbconsole


bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rails db:migrate:status
bin/rails db:rollback

**Scaffold generators

bin/rails generate scaffold Cart
bin/rails generate scaffold LineItem product:references cart:belongs_to

bin/rails generate channel products

bin/rails generate mailer Order received shipped

bin/rails generate job charge_order


bin/rails tests
bin/rails db:test:prepare.
bin/rails test:models

bin/rails test:controllers
bin/rails test test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:19
bin/rails test test/controllers/line_items_controller_test.rb
bin/rails log:clear LOGS=test


On/off caching of partial results

bin/rails dev:cache - Development mode is no longer being cached.


  • configure suggested workflows for rails
  • fix a height 100% for store
  • Shopping Basket to fix layout with buttons
  • Shopping basket: fix ability to add duplicates
  • Remove urls in products table