
Julia Users NZ

This site co-ordinates Julia events in New Zealand. To be in the loop, sign up for the mailing list below.

Upcoming events

Nothing right now, but see previous meetups.

Who uses Julia in NZ?

One reason for starting this group is to gain visibility into some of the cool stuff people are doing with Julia in New Zealand.

  • Oscar (@odow, Auckland) is a core contributor of JuMP.
  • Morten (@mortenpi, Auckland) is a Ph.D. student at U. Massey, Albany, and maintains Documenter.jl as a side project.
  • Anthony (@ablaom, Auckland) is a mathematician and senior research fellow at the University of Auckland, computer science. He is the co-creator and lead developer of the machine learning toolbox MLJ.jl.
  • Joachim (@joachimbrand, Auckland) is a physicist at Massey University. He develops the quantum Monte Carlo package Rimu.jl with his research group and collaborators.
  • Elke (@ElkePahl, Auckland) is a computational condensed-matter physicist at Auckland University. She develops a parallel-tempering Monte Carlo package ParallelTemperingMonteCarlo.jl with her research group using Julia. She is also collaborator on the Rimu.jl project.
  • Ashton (@AshtonSBradley, Dunedin) is a physicist at the University of Otago. He has authored VortexDistributions.jl and PhaseSpaceTools.jl.

Previous meetups

  • Julia NZ Meetup #1: The Julia NZ kick-off event took place at the Department of Physics of the University of Auckland on 2 December 2020! Many thanks for people who joined!
  • Julia NZ Meetup #2: 21 January 2021, with Dr. Ashton Bradley from the Department of Physics, University of Otago, giving a talk about his experience of using Julia for teaching 300-level computational physics courses and for physics research, with examples from packages he has written: VortexDistributions.jl and PhaseSpaceTools.jl.
  • Julia NZ Meetup #3: 14 April 2021 at the University of Auckland featuring a talk by Dr. Anthony Blaom from the University of Auckland & the Alan Turning Institute talking about MLJ.jl.
  • Julia NZ Meetup #4: 10 June 2021 at GridAKL featuring a talk by Dr. Oscar Dowson on JuMP -- a modeling language for mathematical optimization.
  • JuliaCon 2022 NZ Meetup: 28 July 2022 at Massey University

Mailing list

Use this form to join our mailing list. You can also find us at the #new-zealand channel on Slack and the #new-zealand-local channel on Zulip.

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