

using TestItemRunner2



    run_tests(path; filter=nothing, verbose=false, max_workers::Int=Sys.CPU_THREADS, timeout=60*5, return_results=false, print_failed_results=true)

Runs test items. This will re-use client processes from a previous call to run_tests, but is guaranteed to use the latest code version (through a combination of static parsing and Revise).


  • path: Filesystem path to a folder.
  • filter: A filter callback function that will be called for each identified test item. If the filter callback returns true that test item will be run, if false it will not run. Each call to the provided filter callback passes a named tuple argument with a number of fields that contain metadata about the specific test item. The provided information is filename, name, tags and package_name.
  • verbose Not implemented right now.
  • max_workers: Max number of child processes per identified project.
  • timeout: Timeout in seconds.
  • return_results: Returns all test results as a vector, includes status, error messages and logs.
  • print_failed_results: Print error messages for all failed tests when done running all tests.

Terminate all active client processes that are used to run test items.