
echo "send me a secret" | docker run -i juliaaano/encrypt

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Encrypt a message to Juliano


echo "send me a secret" | docker run -i juliaaano/encrypt
cat my-sample-file.txt | docker run -i juliaaano/encrypt

Save to a file

echo "send me a secret" | docker run -i juliaaano/encrypt > secret.txt.asc

Copy to the clipboard (MacOS only)

cat my-sample-file.txt | docker run -i juliaaano/encrypt | pbcopy

Encrypt binary (non-text) files

docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp juliaaano/encrypt /tmp/myfile.zip > myfile.zip.asc

It works with Podman

echo "send me a secret" | podman run -i juliaaano/encrypt
cat my-sample-file.txt | podman run -i juliaaano/encrypt