The original readMe file describing Jekyll Now and the quick start and update process can be found at
My own adaptations of this theme are so far mostly experimental in an effort to learn more about how Jekyll works. However, I've also experimentally added CETEICean ( so that I can publish TEI-encoded data, and I've experimented with modifying that code so that I can publish XML that is not TEI.
Notes for me on the various components of the site and what they do:
- config.yaml: contains the overall configuration settings for the site (avatar, footer, etc.)
- files in the layouts directory: these control what HTML is used in the pages generated for the site
- files in the pages directory: these represent specific "static" pages on the site (i.e. they are reached by specific navigational paths rather than accumulating in sequence like posts)
- files in the posts directory: these represent the individual blog postings
- files in the _sass directory: these define consistent style elements for use across the site (e.g. colors, fonts); these are then referenced from the styles.scss file
- files in the xml directory are TEI and other XML files and their accompanying HTML wrappers, referenced by CETEICean
- files in the js directory are the code used by CETEICean in the display of TEI files.