
How do I change to dark mode? [Not Yet Implemented]

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This is a noobish question, but I can't find how to change the application to dark mode. Can someone help?


I provided a screenshot of the settings menu that I'm shown.

It's not there yet, but it will be soon.

Ah okay! Since I saw it in the README screenshot, I thought it was already up and running.
Thank you for this awesome project!

@juliagoda I also had a question regarding the translations.
I don't know if you prefer that I open a new issue or can just ask here.

Maybe another issue for other newcomers and not only. It will be easy to find it later

Most of the QT based apps have already implemented theming (I assume that if you want a dark theme, you have it enabled system-wide).

If you have a dark theme on your Linux you can force most of Qt-based apps to use system-theme.
Install kvantum: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/05/use-custom-themes-for-qt-applications.html

  • install: qt5-style-kvantum
  • add line export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum to file ~/.profile or /etc/environment (second one requires sudo)

There is also another solution (but not recommended on Ubuntu 19.10, 20.04):

  • installing qt5-style-plugins
  • adding line QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 to file ~/.profile or /etc/environment (second one requires sudo)

It is recommended for an app to use system-wide theme instead of adding theming options in settings.
Maybe we should add somewhere information about themes?

I don't see a problem to add in settings tab "Styles" anyway and then give here option according to dark icon too. Many applications have such choices. It's not difficult to use Qt Styles in code. Let's leave a choice to users. There will match other options but I won't say anything more about it now. When you don't like Styles options then you don't have to use them, simply. You can then install other tools, dive into files, use sudo, copy and paste proper lines to them instead of click and save. That's your choice, but other people can have other habits.

This is called UX design and we adapt to what people have become accustomed to after years of using many programs. This means that if someone is expecting something in a given place because they have seen it in many places and they think it's the natural order of things, we take it into account (if you make websites, then this principle is all the more important - especially if you want to make money).

And again who would like to play with such workarounds, except you and possibly a few other people? - not intuitive and simple at all. Just because users don't have much choice and have to use my program so far doesn't mean that we have to put them in complicated situations just to get little work done and have a lot of publicity.

I have an irresistible impression that someone here is trying to force an open door. The program is designed not only for users who are familiar with the system but also for beginners. If someone wants to use the settings that @pktiuk offers, they will use them, but most users will prefer to click the appropriate settings. If you feel like you can use it yourself, it is great, but don't expect it from others. This program is for users, not users for the program. Isn't it better to take care of something useful rather than look for problems where they don't exist? It's the way nowhere.

I have an irresistible impression that someone here is trying to force an open door. The program is designed not only for users who are familiar with the system but also for beginners. If someone wants to use the settings that @pktiuk offers, they will use them, but most users will prefer to click the appropriate settings. If you feel like you can use it yourself, it is great, but don't expect it from others. This program is for users, not users for the program. Isn't it better to take care of something useful rather than look for problems where they don't exist? It's the way nowhere.

Of course, we can describe such steps (maybe someone will like the methods), but if there exist shorter and more intiuitive methods (for users of course), then that should be added as well.

I think the best solution is just giving freedom of choice for users. For now, we have only that Qt-based solution, but it would be nice to add an optional dark theme in settings (i think it would be also the most viable solution for Windows users).
This is a "workaround" because we as developers haven't dealt with this issue yet. We could possibly achieve the same result by editing .desktop file.

I don't want to force an open door. I am just saying, that we should think about using system-wide themes because it is already implemented. Most fans of dark themes have already set their system theme. Using system theme would make the out-of-box experience better.