
LaTex template for theses at ICL, Heidelberg University

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LaTex template for theses at the Department of Computational Linguistics (ICL), Heidelberg University

Note that it is not required to use this template for your thesis at ICL, it serves solely as a suggestion. Please check with your advisor whether they approve the use of this template.


  1. Installation

    Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/juliakreutzer/ICL_thesis_template.git

    Or fork it on GitHub and then clone your fork.

  2. Compilation

    With pdflatex and bibtex: pdflatex thesis.tex; bibtex thesis.aux; pdflatex thesis.tex

  3. Modification

    The template contains generic placeholders, make sure you change these in thesis.tex:

    • Your name
    • Your email address
    • Title of your thesis
    • The degree of the thesis (Bachelor/Master)
    • Date
    • Names of supervisor(s) and reviewers

    The references are collected in references.bib.

    Finally, fill the remaining sections with the actual contents of your thesis. Feel free to change the LaTex template as well, it is just a suggestion.

  4. Problems and Suggestions

    If you run into problems regarding compilation or the like, create an issue in this repository. Even more importantly, if you have suggestions for improvements, create a pull request to share your insights with others.

Best of luck for your thesis! 💪