
This a Quiz game that shows the user their results and allow them to retake the quiz if not satisfied by the results

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This a Quiz game that shows the user their results and allow them to retake the quiz if not satisfied by the results

By Julia Mwangi

It is a web quiz board


Click on this link for my design [https://www.figma.com/proto/qq7HbBl8FNq3AA5srUKolr/Untitled?node-id=1%3A2&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1]

Table of Content


This is a website that allowa users to take the quiz and if not satisfied with the results they can retake the quiz as many times as they wish



  • Either a computer,phone,tablet or an Ipad

  • An access to the Internet

Installation Process

Technology Used

  • HTNL - which was used to build the structure of the pages.

  • CSS - which was used to style the pages incuding the left aside navigation bar

  • javascript-which was use for functionality of the website


  • Materialize CSS
  • MDN Documentation

Known Bugs

Currently not aware of any


licence under the MIT license

Author Info
