
Manage deployed services with god

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Manage deployed services with god

This tiny gem adds support for another server, god, to manage restarts for your application. Features:

  • it runs separate god instances for every application (choose your app names wisely)
  • it loads all configuration files from config/*.god
  • it starts or restarts monitoring process on every deployment
  • ideal for local rvm configurations, where every user uses their own ruby instances


in config/deploy.rb:

deploy.server = :godlike
deploy.god_group = 'groupname'

where 'groupname' is what you have set in all of your *.god files:

God.watch do |w|
  w.group = 'groupname'

CLI usage after deployment:

Specify the group name every time you call god, like this:

$ god -p <groupname> [commands and parameters]

Suggested .rvmrc settings:


unalias god 2>/dev/null

<application dir>/.rvmrc:

alias god='god -p <groupname>'

Copyright © 2010 Balazs Nagy, released under the MIT license