
A collection of mini-projects and exercises I did to practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mini-projects and exercises: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

A collection of mini-projects and exercises I did to practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Busca CEP: search for a Brazilian address based on the postal code (CEP) entered (language: portuguese). API: Via CEP
    • Concepts practiced: Async JS, API, DOM manipulation, Regex
    • Live project

  • Chuck Norris Jokes: app that displays random Chuck Norris jokes. API: chucknorris.io
    • Concepts practiced: Async JS, API, DOM manipulation
    • Live project

  • Country Data: this app gets information about the country entered by the user. It displays a card with the country's name, region, subregion, capital, flag, population, languages, and currencies. It uses the Rest Countries API.
    • Concepts practiced: Async JS, API, DOM manipulation
    • Live project

  • Guess My Number: the goal of this project is to guess a secret number that is between 1 and 20. The user can type a number in the input field, click the 'check' button, and they'll get a feedback message that says if the guess was too low, too high, or correct. The user starts with a score of 10 and after each failed guess, the score decreases by 1. The user can start a new round by clicking on the 'again' button. This project is part of the Complete JavaScript Course - From Zero to Expert by Jonas Schmedtmann.
    • Concepts practiced: DOM Manipulation, Event Listeners
    • Live project

  • Where am I: this app displays the location (city and country) based on the GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) provided by the user. It also displays a card with information about the country. Two APIs are used in this project: the BigDataCloud’s Reverse Geocoding API is used to get the location based on the provided coordinates (reverse geoding) and the Rest Countries API is used to get the data about the country previously received from the other API. This project is a coding challenge from The Complete JavaScript Course - From Zero to Expert by Jonas Schmedtmann.
    • Concepts practiced: Async JS, API, DOM manipulation
    • Live project

Made with 💜 by Juliana Chagas