App that displays a list of popular movies using the The Movie Database API. The user can search for movies and mark a movie as a favorite. It was created with HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript.
This project is part of the 7 Days Of Code Challenge by Alura, a Brazilian learning platform.
- JavaScript
- TMDB - The Movie Database API: source of the data and images
- List of the current popular movies on TMDB. This list updates daily.
- User is able to search for a movie
- User is able to mark a movie as a favorite
- Option to display only the movies marked as favorites by the user
- The favorite movies are stored in local storage, so the user can leave the page and still have access to the favorite movies when they revisit the page
- List of popular movies
- Search for a movie
- Mark a movie as a favorite/Show only favorite movies
- Layout on Figma by Giovanna Moeller (Alura)