
Primary LanguageCSS


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Captura de tela de 2023-04-20 00-02-42

Captura de tela de 2023-04-20 00-04-59

💻 Project

The purpose of this project is to add and remove Github users.

The application starts reset, that is, without a favorite user.

When adding a profile, it shows the user, the number of repositories and followers of the favorite profiles.

If you try to add an existing user, the application reports an error message. Or if you try to add a non-existent profile on Github, the application will inform you. And when requesting the removal of a user, you will be asked for confirmation.

Were used:

  • Github API
  • try, catch and throw
  • JSON
  • Heritage
  • Polymorphism
  • Static method and manipulation
  • Promises
  • Use and manipulation of localStorage
  • Asynchronism
  • Promise function
  • Higher-order function (filter)
  • Table creation and manipulation (HTML and js)

🚀 Technologies

Esse projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • Github
  • Figma

⚙️ Functionalities

  • Add user
  • Remove user