
Markov chain based password generation

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A Markov chain based passphrase generator with entropy estimation. markovpass generates randomized passphrases based on a Markov chain along with the total Shannon entropy of the nodes traversed. Long random sequences of characters are difficult to remember. Shorter, or less random sequences are bad passphrases. Long sequences of words are relatively easy to remember but take a long time to type. markovpass generates human sounding phrases, which aim to strike a balance between ease of memorization, length, and passphrases quality. The passphrases produced look something like:

qurken ret which bettle nurence


facupid trible taxed partice


The recommended method of installation is to use stack. On Linux, installation should be as simple as cloning the repo and running stack install.


Usage: markovpass [OPTION]... [FILE]...
  -m MINENTROPY  --minentropy=MINENTROPY  Minumum Entropy (default 60)
  -n NUMBER      --number=NUMBER          Number of passphrases to generate (default 1)
  -l LENGTH      --length=LENGTH          NGram Length (default 3)
  -w LENGTH      --minwordlength=LENGTH   Minimum word length for corpus (default 1)
  -s             --suppress               Suppress entropy output
  -h             --help                   Print this help message

markovpass requires a corpus to work with. It accepts multiple file arguments, or can take input from STDIN. It can take pretty much any text input and will strip the input of any non-alphabetic characters (and discard words containing non-alphabetic characters, but keep words sandwiched by non-alphabetic characters). The larger and more varied the corpus the greater the entropy, but you'll hit diminishing returns fairly quickly. I recommend using Project Guttenberg; personally I like a mix of H.P. Lovecraft and Jane Austen. The -w option can be used to remove short words from the corpus which will increase the average length of words in your passphrase, but not guarantee a minimum length (the minimum word length will be the lesser of the -w and -l options). Obviously increasing the minimum word length will lead to longer passphrases for the same entropy.

Shannon Entropy and Guesswork

Shannon entropy provides a good estimate of the lower bound of the average guesswork required to guess a passphrases (to within an equivalent of a little over 1.47 bits) [1], but average guesswork is not necessarily a reliable proxy for difficulty in guessing a passphrases [2]. Consider the following passphrases generation method: I choose 500 characters and for each character there is a 0.999 chance I choose 'a' and a 0.001 chance I choose 'b'. The Shannon entropy for this process is about 5.7 bits, which based on [1] should give an average number of guesses needed of at least 17.9. Yet an adversary who knows my method will guess 'aaaaa...' and get my passphrases right on the first guess 60.4% of the time. So you should treat Shannon entropy estimates with caution.

That said, I suspect that for moderately long markovpass passphrases using a representative corpus of language, Shannon entropy is probably a good proxy for difficulty in guessing. The fundamental problem with average guesswork is that the distribution of passphrase probabilities isn't necessarily flat. If the distribution has a strong peak (or multiple peaks) and a long tail of lower probability passphrases then average guesswork is going to be a poor proxy for the strength of the passphrase generation method. In the case of markovpass, if trained on a reasonably representative corpus of language, over a large enough series of decisions the probability distribution of passphrases should look more or less gaussian (Some variant of the Central limit theorem for Markov Chains should apply). While a Gaussian distribution isn't a flat distribution, it's also a long ways from the pathological example above. The Shannon entropy given is definitely an overestimate of the difficulty in guessing, but probably not a terrible one.

[1](1, 2) J. L. Massey, “Guessing and entropy,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory, 1994, p. 204.
[2]D. Malone and W.G. Sullivan, “Guesswork and Entropy,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 50, 525-526, March 2004.


markovpass is slow. Passphrase generation can take half a minute on a largish corpus, which is fine for most practical purposes but hardly ideal. I suspect that using Data.Text instead of String could be a lot faster. Second the algorithm I'm using has all sorts of inefficiencies. It should be possible to generate the Markov chain in O(n) time, and then walk it in constant time (in the size of the corpus). One way to do this would be to build a hash table of counts for each node then calculate the entropy and set up a table for the Alias Method for each node. In any case, the current algorithm is slow, but not impractical.


Thanks to Gavin Wahl for the idea for this project, and also for, after I had it working, questioning the whole idea, and forcing me to think about guesswork.

Also thanks to Sid Kapur for setting up a cabal/stack file.