
Estimate Bayesian Topic Regression models

Primary LanguageJulia


A Julia package to estimate Bayesian Topic Regression (BTR) models, as described in Ahrens et al (2021).


To install the package, first enter package mode in julia by entering "]". The package can then be installed either directly from GitHub with

pkg> dev https://github.com/julianashwin/BTR.jl

or if the repository has been downloaded, from the path to the BTR.jl folder (note, this is the path to the BTR.jl folder, not to the file of the same name in the src folder).

pkg> dev path_to_folder/BTR.jl

Once the pakage mode is exited (cmd+c), the package can then be loaded with

using BTR

Example files

This repository contains several example files that demonstrate how to use the package to estimate BTR and other topic models.

  • BTR_synthetic.jl runs through an example in which the synthetic dataset used in the paper is generated, prepared for estimation and then a variety of models estimated on it.
  • BTR_semisynthetic_Booking.jl and BTR_semisynthetic_Yelp.jl generates the data and estimates treatment effects for the semi-synthetic examples in the paper.
  • BTR_Booking.jl and BTR_Yelp.jl evaluates out of sample performance of BTR and other sampling-based topic models on customer review datasets.
  • BTC_synthetic.jl runs through an example for classification rather than regression with a synthetic dataset. Code for the rSCHOLAR model that is also used as a benchmark can be found in this repository.


Before estimating we need to convert the text-data into a document-term-matrix (DTM) for which we can use the DocumentTermMatrix function from the TextAnalysis.jl package, and convert the numerical data into appropriate arrays. To ensure that the raw data is in the correct format and to facilitate train-test set division, it is recommended to use the BTRRawData structure as described below

Text data

To do this import the documents as an array of strings (stemming, stop-word removal etc. can be done separately or in Julia using the tools described in the documentation for TextAnalysis.jl). Then convert this array of strings into an array of StringDocuments

docs = StringDocument.(text_clean)

and convert this array into a Corpus.

crps = Corpus(docs)

This Corpus can then be converted into DTM and the vocab extracted (for visualisation later).

dtm = DocumentTermMatrix(crps)
vocab = dtm_sparse.terms

The estimation function takes the DTM as a SparseMatrixCSC object, which can be extracted from the DocumentTermMatrix.

dtm_sparse = dtm.dtm

As it is poossible to have multiple documents/paragraphs per observation, we also need to define the document id for each row of the DTM. This document id variable needs to be an array of integers. If the there is one document per observation, this can simply be row ids for the DTM.

docidx_dtm = Array{Int64,1}(1:length(text_clean))

If you wish to split the sample into training and test sets, this should be done after pre-processing to ensure that the DTM vocabulary is consistent across the two sets.

Numerical data

The response variable y and the non-text regression features x should be formated as a one and two dimensional array of floats respectively.

x = Array{Float64,2}(hcat(df.sentiment,df.stars_av_u, df.stars_av_b))
y = Array{Float64,1}(df.stars)

As with the text data, we need to define a document id for these numerical variables as an array of integers.

docidx_vars = df.doc_idx


A BTROptions object keeps track of the modelling and estimation options, each field has a default as described below. These same options can also be used to estimate unsupervised LDA models, and an equivalent object exists for classification rather than regression. This options object can be initialised at default values with

opts = BTROptions()

The individual can then be edited individually, for example

opts.ntopics = 20
opts.xregs = [1,2,3]

Alternatively, fields can be set when defining the object

opts = BTROptions(ntopics = 20, xregs = [1,2,3])

Fields and default values for BTROptions are:

  • ntopics::Int64 = 2: number of topics (K)
  • interactions::Array{Int64,1} = Array{Int64,1}([]): which x variables should be interacted with topic proportions
  • xregs::Array{Int64,1} = Array{Int64,1}([]): which x variables to be included in the regression
  • emptydocs::Symbol = :prior: how to deal with empty documents, topic proportions can be set to the Dirichlet prior or zero
  • interlevel::Symbol = :doc: level at which interactions between x and topic proportions are calculated, can be at the document or paragraph level
  • E_iters::Int64 = 100: Number of sampling iterations in E-step that approximates the distribution topic proportions
  • M_iters::Int64 = 250: Number of sampling iterations in M-step that approximates the distribution of regression parameters
  • EM_iters::Int64 = 10: Maximum number of E-M steps (will stop earlier if convergence reached)
  • fullGibbs_iters::Int64 = 10000: Number of iterations under standard Gibbs sampling (without EM), particularly relevant for unsupervised LDA
  • fullGibbs_thinning::Int64 = 10: Thinning interval for Gibbs sampling
  • burnin::Int64 = 10: Burnin iterations discarded at the beginning of any sampling
  • mse_conv::Int64 = 0: Toggle whether M-step MSE is used to assess convergence (if zero then only regression parameters ω used)
  • ω_tol::Float64 = 0.01: Convergence tolerance for regression parameters ω
  • rel_tol::Bool = false;: Toggle whether convergence tolerance in ω is scaled relative to the size of ω
  • CVEM::Symbol = :none: Toggle whether CVEM approach is used; options are :none for no CVEM, :obs to split into E and M step samples at the observation level and :paras to split at the paragraph level
  • CVEM_split::Float64 = 0.75: Proportion of observations/paragraphs used in the E-step (to estimate topic proportions) with the remainder used in the M-step (to estimate regression parameters
  • α::Float64 = 1.: Dirichlet prior on document-topic distribution
  • η::Float64 = 1.: Dirichlet prior on topic-vocabulary distribution
  • σ_ω::Float64 = 1.: Variance of Gaussian prior on regression coefficients
  • μ_ω::Float64 = 0.: Mean of Gaussian prior on regression coefficients
  • a_0::Float64 = 0.: Shape of Inverse-Gamma prior on residual variance
  • b_0::Float64 = 0.: Scale of Inverse-Gamma prior on residual variance
  • plot_ω = Bool(true): Toggle whether to plot progress of mse and ω coefficients between E-M steps


BTRRawData, training-test splitting and BTRCorpus structures

In order to estimate a BTR model, the data needs to be converted into a BRTCorpus structure. A useful intermediate set here is to first create BRTRawData objects, and if necessary split into a training and test set.

There are two ways to convert data into a BTRRawData structure

  1. Explicitly define from the DTM, id variables, y, vocab and optionally covariates x
    all_data = DocStructs.BTRRawData(dtm_in, docidx_dtm, docidx_vars, y, x, vocab)
  2. Using the btr_traintestsplit function which creates two BTRRawData Structures, for a test and training set. This takes optional arguments that define the size of the training set relative to the test set, and whether to shuffle observations before splitting.
    train_data, test_data = btr_traintestsplit(dtm_in, docidx_dtm, docidx_vars, y, vocab, x = x, train_split = 0.75, shuffle_obs = false)

Once the data is in BTRRawData form, it can be converted into a BTRCorpus using the ntopics defined in the options described above. The easiest way to do this is with the create_btrcorpus function.

btrcrps_tr = create_btrcrps(train_data, btropts.ntopics)

This BTRCorpus is specific to the number of topics specified, so if you later want to change the number of topics this will have to be reinitialised. The create_btrcrps also initialises the topic assignment randomly, with each topic given equal weight.

Estimating BTR model

To estimate a BTR model we combine BTROptions and a BTRCorpus into a BTRModel structure.

btrmodel = BTRModel(crps = btrcrps_tr, options = btropts)

We then run the Gibbs-EM estimation algorithm (with the options specified in the BTROptions object using BTRemGibbs.

btrmodel = BTRemGibbs(btrmodel)

There are alternative algorithms such as LDAGibbs which estimates an LDA model by Gibbs sampling and BTRfullGibbs which estimates a BTR model by Gibbs sampling without the EM approach.


For out-of-sample prediction, we use

The core function for prediction is BTR_Gibbs_predict, which produces predictions for the response variable, given some regression features and previously estimated topic-vocabulary distribution β and regression coefficients ω.

function BTR_Gibbs_predict(dtm_in::SparseMatrixCSC{Int64,Int64}, ntopics::Int,
    β::Array{Float64,2}, ω::Array{Float64,1};
    x::Array{Float64,2} = zeros(1,1),
    Σ::Array{Float64,2} = zeros(2,2),
    σ2::Float64 = 0., y::Array{Float64,1} = zeros(1),
    α::Float64 =1.,
    E_iteration::Int64 = 100, burnin::Int64 = 10,

There are four necessary arguments:

  • dtm_in::SparseMatrixCSC{Int64,Int64}: the DTM.
  • ntopics::Int: the number of topics.
  • β::Array{Float64,2}: the topic-vocabulary distribution to be used in prediction (having previously been estimated by, for example, BTR_EMGibbs).
  • ω::Array{Float64,1}: the regression coefficients, note that the dimensionality must match that implied by ntopics and the optional arguments x and interactions.

There are then also some additional optional arguments:

  • x::Array{Float64,2}: additional non-text regression features, if not specified the function assumes that the only regression features are the topics.
  • Σ::Array{Float64,2}: the covariance of the estimated regression features, to produce predictive distributions for y (not fully implemented yet).
  • σ2::Float64: the residual variance, to produce predictive distributions for y (not fully implemented yet).
  • y::Array{Float64,1}: the true values of the response variables being predicted, if specified the MSE of the predictions is calculated.
  • α::Float64 =1.: Dirichlet prior on the document-topic distribution, default is 1.0.
  • E_iteration::Int64: number of iterations for Gibbs sampler estimating the topic assignments of the documents, default is 100.
  • burnin::Int64number of iterations used as a burnin in Gibbs sampling, default is 10.
  • interactions::Array{Int64,1}: if specified includes interactions between the topic features and specified columns of x, default is no interactions. This needs to match the dimensionality of ω.

The output of the function is a NamedTuple with the following elements:

  • y_pred: point predictions for the response variables associated with the inputted regression features.
  • θ: mean of posterior distribution for document-topic distribution of text regression features.
  • Z_bar: mean topic assignments of posterior distribution of text regression features.
  • ω: mean of posterior distribution for regression coefficients from last M-step.
  • mse_oos: the MSE of predicted response variables (will be zero if y not included as a key-word argument.
  • docs: document-topic assignments from the last iteration of Gibbs sampling.
  • topics: topic-vocabulary assignments from the last iteration of Gibbs sampling.


The core function for visualisation is BTR_plot, which generates a box-plot illustrating the posterior distribution for the regression coefficients and the most heavily weighted words in the corresponding topic-vocabulary distribution.

function BTR_plot::Array{Float64,2}, ω_post::Array{Float64,2};
    nwords::Int64 = 10, plt_title::String = "", left_mar::Int64 = 7,
    fontsize::Int64 = 6, title_size::Int64 = 14,

The image below illustrates this for an example using Yelp reviews. We can see that some topics are generally associated with more positive reviews (e.g. topic 8 which puts a high weight on terms like "time", "recommend" and "amaz"), while other topics are generally associated with more negative reviews (e.g. topic 1 which puts a high weight on terms like "wait", "lobster" and "time". Note that this example also shows an attractive feature of using a topic modelling framework for text feature extraction: the term "time" has a positive meaning when it appears with "amaz", but a negative meaning when it appears with "wait".

BTRplot example

You can use the key-word arguments to add a title to the plot and control the number of terms and font size of the labels. It is also possible to include coefficients for one set of interaction terms using the interactions argument, which works in the same way as for BTR_EMGibbs.

There is a similar function, synth_data_plot, for the 3 topic synthetic example generated by the synthetic_example.jl file. Rather than label each topic with the most heavily weighted terms, this produces a heatmap. See the synthetic_example.jl and synthetic_example.txt files for more on this.

Organisation of src folder

The files in the src folder is organised as follows:

  • BTR.jl imports dependencies, defines the structures used throughout and runs the other files in the folder.
  • BTR_aux_functions.jl defines several auxilliary functions, particularly those used to generate synthetic data and visualise results.
  • BTR_Gibbs.jl defines the BTR_Gibbs function described above.
  • BTR_EMGibbs.jl defines the BTR_EMGibbs function described above.
  • BTR_EMGibbs_paras.jl defines the BTR_EMGibbs_paras function described above.
  • BTR_Gibbs_predict.jl defines the BTR_Gibbs_predict function described above.
  • LDA_Gibbs.jl defines the LDA_Gibbs function described above.
  • LDA_Gibbs_predict.jl defines the LDA_Gibbs_predict function described above.
  • BTR_Gibbs_predict_paras.jl defines the BTR_Gibbs_predict_paras function described above.
  • BTR_sentiment.jl imports sentiment dictionaries from LoughranMcDonald_lists.csv and HarvardIV_lists.csv, and defines a function to compute word counts using these dictionaries.
  • LoughranMcDonald_lists.csv includes sentiment dictionaries from Loughran and McDonald (2011)
  • HarvardIV_lists.csv includes sentiment dictionaries from Harvard Gerenal Inquirer dictionaries.