ZTF Stamps

This package is meant to download all images associated with a list of transists, given a time window. It has only been used at the Centre de Calcul IN2P3. An account and access to ztf data are required.

1. Query metadata for each transient

First download the metadata associated with the transient list. The script will read the name of the object, ra, dec, and the mjd of peak flux and write the metadata associated to all available images between phase-min and phase-max in days.

python bin/ztf_download_metadata.py --table BTS_transients_2021-07-05.csv --outdir metatables --phase-min 50 --phase-max 150 [--ifirst 0] [--ilast 10] [--overwrite]

You can add --ifirst and --ilast if you want to download only some of them. These are the indexes of the transient in list.

You can merge several metadata tables into a single one with

python bin/ztf_merge_metadata.py --meta-dir metatables --outname ZTF_bigtable.csv

2. Download images

From the metadata, we can proceed to downloading the corresponding images.

First login into a computing node (not a login node)

qlogin -P P_lsst -l ct=15:00:00,vmem=10000M

Then launch the downloading script :

python bin/ztf_download_images.py --table ZTF_bigtable.csv [--suffix sciimg.fits] [--ncpu 20] [--overwrite] [--check-images]

The --check-images option allows to only print the summary of how many images are already downloaded.

You can follow the download progress on a browser. In a new terminal, log in the same machine as the one where the job above is running, using with the following command (replacing XXXX with the correct number):

ssh -J username@cca.in2p3.fr -L 8787:localhost:8787 username@ccwigeXXXX.in2p3.fr

Then open the following link in a browser


3. Produce stamps for each transient

After downloading the images, we can now produce the stamps from the original list of transients and their associated metadata.

python bin/ztf_produce_stamps.py --table BTS_transients_2021-07-05.csv --meta-dir metatables --outdir stamps [--pixels 32] [--ifirst 0] [--ilast 10] [--overwrite] [--check-stamps] [--suffix sciimg.fits]

The stamps will be written in fits format into --outdir organised by transient name (provided in the --table).

The size of the stamps is set by --pixels.

One can check the status of which stamps are produced with --check-stamps.