
creates an unreliable pool of http servers for failover testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Flaky starts a predtermined number of HTTP servers and then proceeds to randomly kill them off and restart them, a bit like a poor man's chaos monkey.

Flaky also emits status messages on a web socket for interested browsers. There's an interested client page in the 'client' directory.

Bundled Example

git clone https://github.com/julianbrowne/flaky.git

cd flaky

node flaky {number_of_servers}

Install (NPM)

npm install git+https://github.com/julianbrowne/flaky.git


var Flaky = require('flaky');

var f = new Flaky(5);             // 5 servers in pool

f.startServers(9300);             // start unreliable http servers starting at {port}
f.startClientChannel(9013);       // start console at
f.startChaos(10000);              // can be stopped with f.stopChaos();

A monitor page would then be available at
