
Very simple and easy to follow worked webpack example for static pages that has multiple builds, moves files, global namespace access and mocked out dependencies for testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack: Simple Worked Example

Webpack documentation isn't exactly the best. This is a very simple, but functional, worked example that solves a few things that I found hard to get clear understanding on, offered in the vague hope that someone might find it useful.

Things this build does:

  • Collect together multiple dependent files to build a standalone index.html with its dependencies.

    The dependency chain for index.html is:

    index.html -> production.js -> business.js -> dependency.js

    (production.js is a build output file derived from business.js which in turn uses functionality found in dependency.js)

  • Separate 'test' pipeline that builds test.html. The dependency chain for this is:
    test.html -> test.js
    test.js -> business.js -> dependency.js
    test.html -> lib/{jasmine-test-libraries}

  • Copy some files as they are from src to dist e.g. index.html and the test libraries in lib

  • Access webpack-built logic from global name space in index.html (note: I've assigned this using window, there are webpack plugins that do this more elegantly but the result is the same)

  • Mock out a dependency so the business logic can be tested in isolation

Yes, it's all a bit artificial. The point is to represent something close to a real world environment where there would be business functionality (business.js) that has dependencies (dependency.js) that needs to be built for production use into a useable library (production.js).

"Production Environment"

The index.html that uses production.js additionally access it from the global (window) space, by calling business(), which represents something like a JQuery library where you'd access everything from $.

"Test Environment"

In the test pipeline, we want to mock out dependency.js and test business.js in isolation. So the build process creates test.js containing some simple Jasmine tests.

The test basically involves importing business.js and dependency.js and mocking dependency.js.

You can think of this a bit like the typical situation where a dependency accesses a config file on disk (in production) but you want to intercept the call to it from the business logic under test conditions and force the return of some known test configuration data that can be asserted against.

Although you wouldn't necessarily use the approach in real life, there are two build files: indexProduction.js and indexTest.js. They are referred to as the inputs from the webpack config file and list the dependencies needed for the build as described above.


Grab this repository. Make sure you have node and npm installed (node version 7.9.0 and npm version 4.2.0 were used here).

npm install

Will fetch all the node gubbins for running webpack into node_modules


Runs the build process. Cleans the dist folder out of all files. Moves index.html from src to dist and builds the production.js dependency. Then moves test.html from src to dist and builds test.js and copies the Jasmine libraries in src/lib to src/dist

To run use just open dist/index.html in a browser and the word "production" will be displayed. Open dist/test.html and the Jasmine tests should run and pass. The source of all files is deliberately straightforward to follow.