
Sensorik für einen Hochwasser-Alarm

Primary LanguagePython

Flooding alert

I Bult an Alarmsystem that Detects if the creek next to my house is going to owerflow soon. In the Case of an aleart calls my mobile-Phone. Allso in the folder html you can find a ready Webpage with all the Things neaded to Display the Value to the Public. All the Datapoints are writen in to an MySQL database. This gives me Time to react and Prevent a flooding of the Houses around me.


To Install Twilio you need to run the folowing command.

pip install twilio

You allso need to install the Python MySQL extention

python -m pip install mysql-connector-python


You need to create a Twilio account. On the Twilio Dashboard you can get all the Info ypu need.

Make it Work

To Make it Work you need to edit the folowing Parts in the alarm.py file:

#Insert your Account SID from Twilio.com
account_sid = '***'
#Instert your auth_token from Twilio.com
auth_token = '***'
# Instert your Reciving Phone-Nr
phone_nr = '***'
#Inster your outbound Twilio Phone Number


Wire-Up the Sensor as shown in the photo: