
NFT creation and deploy with Hardhat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Defi with hardhat and AaveV3

Instructions for use

Clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/juliancabmar/hardhat-defi

Install depencences:

$ yarn


$ npm i


$ yarn hardhat run scripts/aaveBorrow.js 


$ npx hardhat run scripts/aaveBorrow.js 

Program steps:

  1. Getting WETH from ETH
  2. Get the Pool address
  3. Approve Pool to pull my WETHs
  4. Make the Pool PULL my WETHs into it.
  5. Get user data: total deposited, total lended, total available to borrow
  6. Get DAI price
  7. Calculate how many DAI I can borrow based on the total available to borrow USD using the DAI price
  8. Convert the amount to borrow to WEI units
  9. Borrow the DAIs
  10. Refresh and show the new user AAVE balances
  11. Approve Pool to pull my DAIs back
  12. Repay the debt
  13. Refresh and show the new user AAVE balances