
Nerdfonts enabled tmux

Primary LanguageShell

nerdfonts enabled tmux

NOTE: This is only tested on Khali linux and MacOS. Set of scripts that styles tmux using nerdfonts.

(Search for new glyphs)[https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet]

You can customize your own session names and window names by creating a ~/.tmux_session_names and ~/.tmux_window_names

Note: These glyphs don't show up on the web

Examples :: ~/.tmux_session_names

project| project

:: ~/.tmux_window_names

tmux conf| tmux conf

I just open up the nerdfonts website and search for glyphs to style tmux windows and sessions

These are my personalized scripts. I use macos, so all of the tmux_right_icons.sh are tested using macos 10.14.4 If you have a distro, add it in bin/tmux_right_icons{platform_name}.sh and I'll merge it.


I compiled the latest release of tmux from source. Version: 3.1 I don't think you need to for this...

  • Link or copy the files from bin/ to ~/bin/ mkdir -p ~/bin ln -s $(pwd)/bin/tmux_date.sh ~/bin/tmux_date.sh ln -s $(pwd)/bin/tmux_user.sh ~/bin/tmux_user.sh ln -s $(pwd)/bin/tmux_opts.sh ~/bin/tmux_opts.sh ln -s $(pwd)/bin/tmux_window_name.sh ~/bin/tmux_window_name.sh ln -s $(pwd)/bin/tmux_session_name.sh ~/bin/tmux_session_name.sh ln -s $(pwd)/bin/tmux_right_icons.sh ~/bin/tmux_right_icons.sh

  • Make sure ~/bin is in your $PATH : export PATH=$PATH:~/bin echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile

  • Use the tmux.conf file provided: mv ~/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf.old cp tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf OR ln -s $(pwd)/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf

  • Or combine your existing ~/.tmux.conf with the one here. The status-left, status-right and window-status items call the scripts. Change them to whereever you put the shell scripts

    • If you have more than one pair of airpods then this could help. At the bottom of tmux_right_icons.sh tmux_right_icons_macos.sh there's a string search for your airpod name and if it matches it puts an icon next to the headphone glyph
  • cp tmux_session_names ~/.tmux_session_names (if you want to easily style your session names)

  • cp tmux_window_names ~/.tmux_window_names (this completely replaces the window name with whatever you put in here. Meaning it will ignore the other substring matches that tmux_window_name.sh does)

Let me know what you come up with

I don't ever put code up on github but I wanted to share it with @christoomey and @changemewtf (Chris and Max) So forgive whatever dumb stuff I did on these.

If anyone finds it useful, let me know what you come up with.

Jason Cox<jasonxoc@gmail.com> https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-cox-98444748/

Blink-SH Nerdfont

Blink SH is a terminal emulator for ios and it supports uploading fonts. I wasn't able to find a base64 encoded css mono nerdfont patched font that worked with blinksh.

It ended up being hyper irritating. So for your convienience:

  • font/LiterationMonoNerdFontCompleteMono.ttf
  • BlinkSH supported Nerdfont base64 encoded in CSS: LiterationCss
  • blink-sh/LiterationMonoNerdFont.css
  • On MacOS double click the font in the font dir OR cp fonts/*.ttf ~/Library/Fonts/

Notes about the image / other random notes

  • Shows an icon that represents the charge of your battery
  • I put a bunch of default window icon representations in tmux_window_name.sh
  • You see an example of being sshed into a server, it has a different sh icon
  • The bash window is the default shell icon
  • There are different active state glyphs used when it felt better to me
  • You'll notice on the ssh mysql1 tab that the window is ssh'ed into a db server that's mysql
  • vim tmux scripts window shows that it's running vim
  • It does this only by the window name that you set using C-,
  • For python virtual environments if you name your window something like e: vim settings it will show a python virtual environment glyph before the shell glyph indicating that you're in a venv followed by the vim glyph

Example Image
