
Simple assembler and debugger for reduced mips v1

Primary LanguageGo


Debugger and assembler for SIMPLE MIPS Reduced processor. This is just a personal project (the first) to learn go.


Getting Started

This tool is not interactive


> ./assembler -h                 # Show help
> ./assembler -i filename        # Input file to assemble
> ./assembler -o                 # Output file with binary machine code
> ./assembler -a  "instruction"  # ASM one line, [dont use with -i]


./assembler -a  "LUI $R0, 0"
./assembler -i  fire_jump.asm  
./assembler -i  fire_jump.asm -o fire.mem


Instructions are separated by endlines, semicolon is optional


  • Multiline comments (style /**multiline comment**/)
  • Inline comments (style //comment)
  • Insensitive instructions
  • Register names like $R1 R1 $1 r01
  • Tags for jump and banch
  • Duplicate tag detection
  • Unused tags
  • Builtin auto halt at end
  • Builtin nop (sll 0 0 0)

Instrucction set

Instruction behavior and format (for SIMPLE MIPS Reduced) is exactly the same as specified in the document “MIPS® Architecture for Programmers Volume II-A: The MIPS32® Instruction Set Manual” (Document Number: MD00086 Revision 6.06 December 15, 2016)

You can find it here https://www.mips.com/products/architectures/mips32-2/

Type instrucction Usage
Type R SLL SLL rd, rt, sa
Type R SRL SRL rd, rt, sa
Type R SRA SRA rd, rt, sa
Type R SLLV SRA rd, rt, rs
Type R SRLV SRLV rd, rt, rs
Type R SRAV SRAV rd, rt, rs
Type R ADDU ADDU rd, rt, rs
Type R SUBU SUBU rd, rs, rt
Type R AND AND rd, rs, rt
Type R OR OR rd, rs, rt
Type R XOR XOR rd, rs, rt
Type R NOR NOR rd, rs, rt
Type R SLT SLT rd, rs, rt
Type I LB LB rt, offset (base)
Type I LH LH rt, offset (base)
Type I LW LW rt, offset (base)
Type I LWU LWU rt, offset (base)
Type I LHU LHU rt, offset (base)
Type I LBU LBU rt, offset (base)
Type I SB LB rt, offset (base)
Type I SH SH rt, offset (base)
Type I SW SW rt, offset (base)
Type I ADDI ADDI rt, rs, inmediate
Type I ANDI ANDI rt, rs, inmediate
Type I ORI ORI rt, rs, inmediate
Type I XORI XORI rt, rs, inmediate
Type I LUI LUI rt, inmediate
Type I SLTI SLTI rt, rs, inmediate
Type I BEQ BEQ rs, rt, offset
Type I BNE BNE rs, rt, offset
Type I J J target
Type I JAL JAL target
Type J JR JR rs
Type J JALR JALR rs (rd=31 default); JALR rd, rs


Getting Started

This tool is interactive


> ./debuger -h                 # Show help
Params and arguments
Flag argument type default description
-d string ttyUSB1 File device in /dev/<dev>
-b number 115200 Baudrate
-l string empty Mem file to be load (Generated by assembler tool)
-v no argument false verbose mode (serial monitor)

Prompt command:

command usage description
exit exit Exit
dumprf dumprf Gets the 32 values of the general-purpose registers (R0 to R31)
step step [NUM] The processor runs NUM clock cycle (default 1)
run run Run the processor in burst mode
pc pc Get the PC register
reset reset Reset pc counter
dumpmem dumpmem START END Dump memory data from START to END
load load Loads the specified program with the '-l' option into the processor's program memory