sChat (or SimpleChat or SimpleChat.Support) is an open source and very basic live chat app written by a JavaScript/Meteor developer. It is free and MIT licensed. You can use it in a SaaS-like model on the website or you can also create your own self-hosted copy of the app.
git clone
cd s-chat-app
npm install
meteor --settings settings.json
(read more below)
Important: Remember about Meteor settings file. The contents should look like:
"public": {
"hostName": "localhost:3000 (or in the prod)",
"maxClientApps": 3,
"maxChatHistoryInDays": 3,
"ga": {
"account": "UA-********-*" (your google analitics code - optional)
"private": {
"mainAppEmail": "",
"mailGun": "smtp://{Default SMTP Login}:{Default Password}@{SMTP Hostname}:587",
"google": {
"clientId": "{your google API client id here}",
"secret": "{your google API secret key here}"
"facebook": {
"appId": "{your facebook API app id here}",
"secret": "{your facebook API secret key here}"
Read more about it here: