
Flexbox grid system for Stylus

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

sGrid - Flexbox Grid System for Stylus

sGrid is a Flexbox grid system built with Stylus CSS preprocessor. It is prepared to use with helper classes, like Bootstrap or Foundation does it, but also in a more semantic way by using special Stylus functions.

It has many integrations like Meteor, Grund and React.


This is a standard Npm package so you can use it standalone, but you can also use it with boilerplates for Grunt and React. Also with Meteor.


You should use it with Autoprefixer https://github.com/jenius/autoprefixer-stylus Package for Meteor is bundled with it. It is also configured in Grunt and React boilerplates.

You'll find more complex documentation and examples here: http://stylusgrid.com/.

Simple examples

With only sGrid functions

Stylus code:

        padding rem-calc(15)
        cell(1, 4)
            cell(2, 4, 'bottom')
            cell(1, 3, g: 30px)

HTML code:

    <div>Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div>Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="other-cell">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div>Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="different-cell">Lorem ipsum</div>

You can achieve the same effect with helper classes

HTML code:

<section class="s-grid-top">
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-md-6">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-md-6">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-bottom s-grid-cell-md-12">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-md-6">Lorem ipsum</div>
    <div class="s-grid-cell s-grid-cell-center s-grid-cell-md-4 s-grid-cell-offset-md-4">Lorem ipsum</div>

Overwrite settings

You can overwrite the settings (from s-grid-settings.styl file), just place your settings after s-grid-settings import. Do something like this:

// main s-grid settings file:

@import 's-grid-settings'

// my new settings goes here:

base-font-size = 16            // base font size it is 16px by default it is used to calculate rem sizes
gutter = 20px                  // gutters size
columns = 12                   // how many columns you need in your grid (usage with helper classes)
gridClassName = 's-grid'       // main grid wraper class name (usage with helper classes)
cellClassName = 's-grid-cell'  // main grid cell class name (usage with helper classes)

breakpoints = {                // media queries breakpoints
    sm: 0,
    md: 640px,
    lg: 1200px,
    xlg: 1440px,
    xxlg: 1920px

// s-grid imports:

@import 's-grid-functions'
@import 's-grid-classes'

// ...
// my app styles here..
// ...


Inspired by:

Let me know if something is wrong with sGrid, its website or React, Grunt boilerplates. I'm sure that there is much more to do with it.

Known problems





  • fix for 0 gutter when stylus --compress flag is used - see issue #10 ... removed 0rem value


  • center(width, padding) improvements - thanks to @Splendorr. New use cases: center(1200px, 15px) ; center(80%, 5%)


  • helper classes fix


  • docs update


  • stack() function
  • center() function
  • rwd images in cells for FF fix


  • better rem-calc() function


  • refactor and api changes
  • cols() is now cell()
  • Grid helper classes is optional. You can import s-grid-classes.styl file if you need it.
  • Functions parameters order is changed. See below.. you can use named parameters too.