This is an express app to display data about the Cronos token (viewable on Etherscan here), using a subgraph dedicated to the Cronos token.
The relevant code is in server.js, public/data.html, public/info.html, graph_query.js, and info_query.js.
You can view the homepage to see a query (viewable in graph_query.js) showing the contents of one transaction, which is displayed using HTML there and at /data.html (screenshot).
You can also visit /info.html to see the info query (viewable in info_query.js), which is meant to show info about the project (screenshot).
All the queries, as given in graph_query.js, alt_query.js and info_query.js, can be tested out.
Note: you'll need an API key from the Graph. You'll also need to change the part of the code where I specify the API key in server.js. In my code, it is taken from an environment variable stored in GRAPH_API_KEY.
You can run the app locally by running these commands:
cd (directory)
npm install
npm start
Go to localhost:3000 in your browser and you should see the data displayed for a single transaction, fetched on the basis of its transaction hash.
You can view content at these routes: / (transaction query), /data.html (transaction query - same query) and /info.html (info query).
You can always go to Etherscan, to the Cronos token smart contract address, to find a different transaction, if you want to change the transactionHash part of the query in graph_query.js to see another transaction.