
Sample exercise to understand how to build basic a microservice using different programming languages.

MIT LicenseMIT


movies is a sample exercise to understand how to build basic a microservice using different programming languages.

Any implementation of movies should:

  1. Respect a set of constraints (see Constraints section below)
  2. Follow the same API (see API section below)

The goal of this project is to be able to compare different technologies by offering the same system behavior.


Currently the following implementations are available:

  1. Java


Any implementation of movies should respect the following constraints:

  1. Have a README.md file with at least the following sections:
    1. Installation
    2. Testing
    3. Usage
  2. Have code coverage by unit tests greater or equal to 80%
  3. Read configuration values from a file
  4. Store movies in a database
  5. Log to a file


Any implementation of movies should offer the following actions:

  1. Check microservice is alive
  2. Create a movie
  3. Find a specific movie
  4. Find a set of movies
  5. Update a movie
  6. Delete a movie

Each API call is specified below:

1. Check microservice is alive


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:9001/movies/admin/ping



2. Create a movie


Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:9001/movies/api/movies

    "imdbId": "tt0133093",
    "title": "The Matrix",
    "runtimeInMinutes": 136,
    "releaseDate": "1999-03-31T00:00",
    "filmRating": "R",
    "genre": "Action, Sci-Fi",
    "director": "The Wachowski brothers",
    "plot": "A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers.",
    "metascore": 73,
    "imdbRating": 8.7,
    "imdbVotes": 1023621


  "imdbId": "tt0133093"

3. Find a specific movie


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:9001/movies/api/movies/tt0133093


  "imdbId": "tt0133093",
  "title": "The Matrix",
  "runtimeInMinutes": 136,
  "releaseDate": "1999-03-31T00:00",
  "filmRating": "R",
  "genre": "Action, Sci-Fi",
  "director": "The Wachowski brothers",
  "plot": "A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers.",
  "metascore": 73,
  "imdbRating": 8.7,
  "imdbVotes": 1023621

4. Find a set of movies


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:9001/movies/api/movies?title=Matrix&runtimeInMinutes=130&metascore=6&imdbRating=7.2&imdbVotes=1000


    "imdbId": "tt0133093",
    "title": "The Matrix",
    "runtimeInMinutes": 136,
    "releaseDate": "1999-03-31T00:00",
    "filmRating": "R",
    "genre": "Action, Sci-Fi",
    "director": "The Wachowski brothers",
    "plot": "A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers.",
    "metascore": 73,
    "imdbRating": 8.7,
    "imdbVotes": 1023621

5. Update a movie


Method: PUT
URL: http://localhost:9001/movies/api/movies/tt0133093

    "imdbId": "tt0133093",
    "title": "The Matrix2",
    "runtimeInMinutes": 136,
    "releaseDate": "1999-03-31T00:00",
    "filmRating": "R",
    "genre": "Action, Sci-Fi",
    "director": "The Wachowski brothers and some others",
    "plot": "A computer hacker meets agent Smith.",
    "metascore": 83,
    "imdbRating": 8.7,
    "imdbVotes": 1023621

We changed the title, director, plot and the metascore.


  "imdbId": "tt0133093",
  "title": "The Matrix2",
  "runtimeInMinutes": 136,
  "releaseDate": "1999-03-31T00:00",
  "filmRating": "R",
  "genre": "Action, Sci-Fi",
  "director": "The Wachowski brothers and some others",
  "plot": "A computer hacker meets agent Smith.",
  "metascore": 83,
  "imdbRating": 8.7,
  "imdbVotes": 1023621

6. Delete a movie


Method: DELETE
URL: http://localhost:9001/movies/api/movies/tt0133093


  "The movie was deleted?": true


This project is under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.