
I'm now a Holberton Student, this is my first repository as a full-stack engineer

Primary LanguageShell

Project Title

Getting Started

  • What is a zero-day
  • What is a virtual machine
  • What is Vagrant
  • Who wrote Vagrant
  • What is Ubuntu
  • What does “Ubuntu” mean
  • How to use VMs with Vagrant
  • What does the command uname do
  • What is source code management
  • What is Git
  • What is GitHub
  • What is the difference between Git and GitHub
  • How to create a repository
  • What is a README
  • How to write good READMEs
  • How to commit
  • How to write helpful commit messages
  • How to push code
  • Who invented C
  • Who are Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan and Linus Torvalds
  • What happens when you type gcc main.c
  • What is an entry point
  • What is main
  • How to print text using printf, puts and putchar
  • How to get the size of a specific type using the unary operator sizeof
  • How to compile using gcc
  • What is the default program name when compiling with gcc
  • What is the official Holberton C coding style and how to check your code with betty-style
  • How to find the right header to include in your source code when using a standard library function
  • How does the main function influence the return value of the program


You need to install this software

- VirtualBox - Virtual Machine
- Vagrant
- Ubuntu trusty 64
- Emacs
- Vim/Vi
- VSCode
