Data Science for Economists

Repository for "Data Science for Economists", a graduate course taught in the summer of 2024 at Bielefeld University.

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to data science for economists. It covers the entire data science workflow: from data collection and data management to data analysis and data visualization. The course focuses on state-of-the-art applied methods and tools, and it is designed to equip students with the skills needed to work with data in practice. The course is taught using R.

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Course Structure

  • Getting started: Course outlook and good research practice
  • The toolkit: R and the shell
  • New sources of economic data: Web scraping and APIs
  • Large structured data
  • Networks
  • Spatial data
  • Satellite imagery
  • Event and sensor data
  • Text as data
  • Social media data
  • OCR: Digitized data