Co-Founder & CEO at Jungle 🦍 Inventing the future one line of code at a time 🚀
@MindflowGG San Francisco, CA
Pinned Repositories
iCalculator Pro was developed in 2011 for the iPad as my first major project using Objective-C. When the iPad first came out in 2010, it did not come with a calculator. Therefore, it seemed appropriate to build a calcualtor as my first project to get familiar with Xcode and Objective-C. Coding files can be found in the classes folder
This repository holds the HTML & CSS code files and resources for the development of my personal website! Main two files are index.html and indexCSS.css
Completed for CS313 class (Intro to Computer Systems). This program allocates a piece of memory from the computer from which a user can then request memory to be allocated inside of the allocated piece of memory. The Ackerman function makes random calls to My_Malloc(allocates memory on the piece of memory that was allocated at initialization) and My_free(frees memory that was allocated by My_malloc)
My personal website - built with React, React-Router, React-Snap for Static-Export, and GitHub Pages.
julianjear's Repositories
iCalculator Pro was developed in 2011 for the iPad as my first major project using Objective-C. When the iPad first came out in 2010, it did not come with a calculator. Therefore, it seemed appropriate to build a calcualtor as my first project to get familiar with Xcode and Objective-C. Coding files can be found in the classes folder
Completed for CS313 class (Intro to Computer Systems). This program allocates a piece of memory from the computer from which a user can then request memory to be allocated inside of the allocated piece of memory. The Ackerman function makes random calls to My_Malloc(allocates memory on the piece of memory that was allocated at initialization) and My_free(frees memory that was allocated by My_malloc)
My personal website - built with React, React-Router, React-Snap for Static-Export, and GitHub Pages.
This repository holds the HTML & CSS code files and resources for the development of my personal website! Main two files are index.html and indexCSS.css
Development of second application for The Texas Lyceum's meeting in Dallas, Texas for iOS. Completed during Fall 2014. This was a paid project! Navigate to "Texas Lyceum" folder for code files where ".h" are header files and ".m" are main files.
Development of first application for The Texas Lyceum's meeting in McAllen, Texas for iOS. Completed during summer 2014. Navigate to "Texas Lyceum" folder for code files
Widgets in Tabs is an application that I developed my sophomore year of high school. The concept of widgets in tabs is to have a place where you could see all the information you need in one place. For example, on a daily basis, most of us check Facebook, Twitter, email, and many other things. Widgets in Tabs provides 5 different tabs in which you can chose to display a widget (Facebook, Twitter, email, or currency exchange). Each of these widgets would display the most important information from that widget. For example, Facebook would tell you how many new notifications and messages you have. Code files can be found in "Widgets iphone classes" folder. Now that I have a higher level of understanding fundamental programming concepts like Data Structures, Algorithms, and classes, I am slightly embarrassed to share this poorly written code. Regardless, it was a big project from which I learned a lot from in the process!